Friday, November 6, 2009

A little bit about me....

My husband and I have been married since October of 2000, I worked for various companies as a production scheduler but am now a stay at home Mom to 4 year old twins (boy/girl) and I love to cook. I'm happiest in my kitchen making yummy things to warm the bellies of my friends and family. Unfortunately my children to do not share my passion for food (if they only knew what they were missing out on). But my husband does....he should consider himself lucky. He may not enjoy all the food/recipe chatter like I do but I know he enjoys the results.

I used to be a horribly picky know the kind of person who never tried anything new, who always ordered the same thing from the same old tired restaurants.

I used to be a mess in the kitchen, I'd find a way to mess up the simplest dishes. I was always the one who'd come to potlucks bringing chips and store bought dip. I had no idea where to even start in the kitchen.

Somewhere along the way it all changed and I found my passion. Maybe it was not working during my pregnancy and spending my days watching the Food Network channel, I don't know. But I am now the type of person who will not order the same dish twice, I'm always looking for new restaurants to try (even though I don't get to often), I love to read recipes and look for new dishes, I do not make the same dinner twice in a month and a lot of times I do not make a recipe more than once....there are just too many things to try.

So now I've decided to share with you all my love of food. It may come in recipes or restaurants or grocery store sales.....who knows, we'll just have to see where this lil blog takes us.

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